Friday, April 15, 2011


Photos of Reika April 12 via Who joined Fbooook first By Angelica G. 
I was recently tagged in a photo of uhm.. facebook seniority.

2007, the time when people were years into Friendster and we each managed an account in every social networking site possible... Friendster, Pinoyster, Hi5, Multiply, Myspace, Yahoo360, and Facebook included.

We were all so caught up with customizing our accounts on friendster.. HTML java script codes, embedded glitter texts, tacky slideshows, eye-sore marquees, giving out testimonials to each other, more tackiness, and more glitter. So high school. :D

Had around 10 friends on Facebook. Not one addicted to it.

Time passed and the universe embraced the creation of Mr. Zuckerberg.
We all quietly left our creative abodes and marched right into the reality of likes, comments, and faces.

Social networks used to be defined as individuals connected by one or more types of interdependency. Now, with the mere mention of the term, facebook pops into mind.

Facebook has become not just a social networking addiction but a disease in the making -- an abnormal or harmful societal condition. Check out these links to see what i mean:
Baby killed for interrupting mom's facebook time
Groom updates facebook at wedding
Facebook killer sentenced to life for teenager's murder
Facebook Marriage Proposal

Prevention is always better than cure. Now to identify these killers, i mean addicts, before it's too late!!
Let's refer to them in a lighter, kinder term: Facebookworm*.

FACEBOOKWORM* - one who spends too much time on facebook; someone unusually devoted to Facebook

You know you're a Facebookworm* if:
- you kill someone for interrupting your Facebook time
- you declare your love for someone on Facebook
- you apologize to your loved one via Facebook
- you chat / message through Facebook even if you're seated beside each other
- you seem to be talkative on Facebook when in real life, you're actually anti-social
- you link your twitter/ tumblr accounts to Facebook in hopes of finding new friends/ followers
- you find out the board exam results on Facebook
- you give classroom/ office announcements on your status
- you prefer facebooking over studying/working
- you await the pictures and tags of the person who brought the camera
- you bought a camera to have your own photos on Facebook
- you check your Facebook before your actual email account
- you might as well set Facebook as your homepage
- you have time to upload a thousand pictures despite your busy schedule
- you have an album of you in different poses and different angles-- the best one's your profile pic.
- you have a "me" / "vain" / "random" / "pics" album
- you answer "lol" / "haha" to end a conversation
- you have posted a "bored" / "off to work!" / "i'm at work and bored" status
- you don't yawn while on Facebook
- you lose sleep over Facebook
- you skip meals because of Facebook
- you shop on Facebook
- your business has a Facebook account
- your baby has a Facebook account
- your pet has a Facebook account
- you have like a bazillion friends
- you don't personally know ten percent of your bazillion friends
- you stalk / spy on people through Facebook
- you add siblings/ friends of the people you stalk even if they have no idea who you are
- you add a person up after meeting him/her one time
- you check mutual friends to identify a person whose name you can't remember
- you have private notes/ messages with certain groups of friends
- you are always online on chat even when away from keyboard
- you know the "block" functions quite well
- you click the notifications icon the moment a red number pops up
- you and your friends talk about updates you see on Facebook
- your idea of spending time with someone is chatting on Facebook
- you refer to Facebook as "FB"
- you suddenly realize you've been on Facebook for hours
- you have become a Farmer / Mafia / Vampire at some point in your life
- you bid your friends "goodnight" on Facebook
- you left friendster for good
- you blog about Facebook
- you have a facebook link on your blog
- you are reading this post
- you yawned


*Not a legitimate word such as LOL, OMG, FYI. Do not expect to see this in the dictionary. It was simply dubbed by Reika.

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